Trust yourself with hope,faith and love.Things works out one way or another,eventually.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


So I've been in school for 4 weeks and the only time I actually tried to study was only twice.
There are too many notes to go through,and this upcoming week would be both challenging and depressing.Hahahaha. Ok,Im exaggerating.
Well,I have my BCLS this Monday and Tuesday. And than there is behavioral science test on Wednesday(I think) and early Thursday morning,mom will be going away for a month and I have one less person to annoy. :C
My mom has her stuffs packed for her month away from home and I think I will miss her.But I'm not going to worry,I should be fine alone on the bed.Besides,the house is almost always going to be mine,and mine alone.
The last lap in school huh,I'm still not sure on what I want to do but I have applied for a position in 4 medical post.I'm not sure if my grades can help me go to poly or if I really want to follow my heart's desire to take up paramedics despite the advise not to from dad and my Din;
the two people who knows what they're talking about.
Lets just hope I know what I want at least by March next year.
Din is pretty glad that I have applied for a position in either hospitals,so I can save up quickly.
And speaking of Din,since he started working,I've been acting up.hahaha.
I tried to understand how his career and time constraint would be like but unfortunately it got hold of me in a not too pleasant way and it kind of triggered our relationship about last week.
I was being nasty about it and impulsively posted something mean on the famous social network.
He got home,read it and immediately called me up for some explanation on my part and the wonderful part of all is,he knew what I meant before I explained myself.Most time during the phone call,he was doing the talking while I kept silent when it was obviously my fault.bahahaha.
Here's what he said to me, "I know and I realize that I have not been texting or calling you as often,I would have,you know it,but work has been busy." and in between my "hmmmm,k,ahhh." I said "sorry." *laughing out loud*
When it was my turn to say something again,all I could breathe was, "I guess I just miss you."
and he sighed. hahahahahah.I am good at making the other party feel bad,well those with emotions at least.But honestly,having him away 6 days a week for at its worst,13 hours,I become a little insecure.With limited time to talk on the phone and two text messages if I'm unlucky(before he goes to work and when he reaches work) it makes me feel a little unwanted.Haha.
I know how being alone felt like,I lived with it in most parts of my life but when I found Din,it was a massive evolution and every time we meet on that once a week basis,I wish he didn't have to go.But I'll be ok,I hope I'm in his mind as much as he is in mine.
My family has been really annoying as of late and mom keeps pestering me on how Din looked like,whats he working as,where does he live and is he a nice person. -_______-
If he wasn't I wouldn't even want to hang out with him in the first place.
So wish me luck on these redundant upcoming tests and life obstacles.
I wish the best for 'yours' too. Toodles.
P.s:I tried to let go as much as I could,but held on tightly just in case.

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