Trust yourself with hope,faith and love.Things works out one way or another,eventually.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rants #?

I feel horrible.

I look horrible and things just went spirally down,in slow-mo.

Its probably just me,and my expectations.

I just want things to change,I want to challenge myself and in the end,I screw myself up.


There is always this feeling of going back to my old habits,to live young and die young.

At least doing things happy.

Recurrent events of getting sober and feasting on unopened cigarette boxes in the beginning of the day.

I feel like going back to school and study something that will blow my mind away,anything but nursing.

I feel sick and tired with all the intentional or unintentional dramas within work and after working time.

I need to be in an environment where everybody just don't give a flying fuck about anything but to just live.

Maybe I'm just stupidly depressed over nothing,thats why I'm ranting shits over here.

I just can't stand everything and everyone in my life right now.

I feel so enraged.

So fuck everything,I'm just going to pretend I love everybody and smile for the sake of it.

To haters, __.


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